Computer Programming
Career Focus
Prepared for immediate employment, advanced certifications, and further education
Students focus on the general writing and implementation of generic and customized programs to drive operating systems. Students are prepared to apply the methods and procedures of software design and programming to software installation and maintenance.
Who Can Attend
This class is typically available to students in grades 10 - 12.
Class Instruction
- Software design
- Low and high level languages
- Program writing
- Program customization and linking
- Prototype testing
- Troubleshooting
- Related aspects of operating systems and networks
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Computer Programming Ladder
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
- Career/Technical Education Teachers
- Computer and Information Systems Managers
- Computer Occupations, All Other
- Computer Programmers
- Computer Systems Analysts
- Network and Computer Systems Administrators
- Software Developers, Applications
- Software Developers, Systems Software
Associate's Degree, Long-Term Training & Apprenticeships
- Computer Network Support Specialists
- Web Developers
Certificate or Moderate-Term Training
- Computer User Support Specialists
High School Diploma or Equivalent & Short-Term Training
- Office and Administrative Support Workers
High School Credit
Students should inquire within their guidance office about high school curriculum requirements that may be satisfied through a CTE class, as this is determined individually by school district.
College Credit
College credit(s) possible (CLEP Test required)
- Students have the potential of earning college credits by achieving satisfactory scores on the College Level Examination Program exam (CLEP)
- Each college reserves the right to set its own credit-granting policy
- Contact your college(s) to find out the score it requires to grant credit, the number of credit hours granted, and the course(s) that can be bypassed with a satisfactory score
Success Story
Governor’s High School Cyber Challenge 2018
Marquette and Westwood High School qualify for round 2 of the Governor’s High School Cyber Challenge! The MSHS team placed 2nd in the state!
Congratulations to the Marquette Senior High School and Westwood High School teams for qualifying for round 2 of the Governor’s High School Cyber Challenge! Each student in Round 2 was awarded a Security + Bootcamp Course & Certification exam voucher (a $3,000 value!)
Marquette and Alger County high school students were mentored during round 1 by their high school teachers, a professor of computer information systems, information systems industry specialists and students from NMU's cybersecurity student association. An example of a great collaborative effort between business and industry for the benefit of our local students.
This year, more than 200 teams and more than 600 students participated from 58 schools.
The Governor’s High School Cyber Challenge is designed to test student’s knowledge of cybersecurity, computer science and information technology. The challenge consisted of multiple-choice questions focused on a different topic such as networking, programming, hacking and operating systems.
Marquette Senior High School
1203 West Fair Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855
NICE Community Schools
300 Westwood Drive
Ishpeming, MI 49849
Kimberlee Carr, Sabina Villar, Rachel Perala