Welcome, WinterEdCon24 participants!
We are thrilled to have you join us for this virtual conference, where we will continue our work on establishing strong curriculum and assessments supported by high-quality learning targets and observable indicators. Throughout the afternoon, you'll have access to insightful presentations, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities from the comfort of your own space. Please find all the necessary information, including session schedules and links, detailed below. This email will serve as your landing spot for all things WinterEdCon24. Best wishes for a successful day as we embark on this journey of collaboration together!
Important Notes:
- The conference has been divided into two schedules to accommodate the varying start/end times of local school districts. Please find your building/district in the list below to determine which schedule to follow.
- To provide a secure learning environment, session links have been emailed directly to participants from their building Principal.
- Please refer back to this website for conference updates.
WinterEdCon24 Snapshot
- Date: February 23, 2024
- Time: Schedule 1 (12:15-2:25), Schedule 2 (1:00-3:10)
- Format: Virtual Conference (Zoom links in email from admin)
- Flyer: WinterEdCon24 Flyer
- Feedback: Conference Feedback Form
- Resources: Resource folder (October and February PD)
- SCECHs: Provided by your district
Keynote: Dr. Garth Larson
Garth Larson, Ed.D is the Co-Founder and CEO of FIRST Educational Resources. Garth has previously worked as a director of learning, elementary principal, and started his career in education as a high school speech and English teacher. Garth currently consults with school districts around the world and provides customized professional development around a variety of topics, mainly Professional Learning Communities 2.0, learning-centered grading practices, leadership, and school improvement.
Keynote & Session Descriptions
Keynote Title: Characteristics of Effective Assessment Design
Writing high-quality and meaningful assessments is essential to ensure that educators can accurately report student growth and achievement. This session will guide participants through the characteristics of high-quality assessments and the process of aligning assessments to learning targets. Examples of effective practices and procedures will be shared throughout the keynote and the focus on clarity from the keynote in October will be revisited.
Materials Needed by Participants: None
Breakout Session # 1: Clarity Through Learning Targets and Observable Indicators
During this interactive breakout session, consultants from the STAGR Center will work with content-level teams to review the process of writing high-quality targets and observable indicators for success, using the framework and information from the October conference. By the conclusion of these breakouts, ALL teams will understand the templates provided in the STAGR Roadmap to ensure clarity for what kids are expected to learn and what success looks like. STAGR Consultants will also answer any questions participants may have within this process.
Materials Needed by Participants: Access to Learning Targets and Observable Templates from October sessions (Templates from October PD)
Breakout Session # 2: Clarity Through Writing High-Quality Assessments
During this interactive breakout session, consultants from the STAGR Center will work with all participating districts on the process of writing high-quality assessments, using the framework and information provided by Garth Larson in the opening keynote. By the conclusion of these workshops, ALL teams will have templates completed to ensure clarity for how students are assessed within each participating district. STAGR Consultants will also answer any questions participants may have within this process.
Materials Needed by Participants: Access to Standards, Targets, Assessment, Grading, Reporting (STAGR) Assessment Template, and access to one current assessment to review.
- Resource Folder - October and February PD
- Learning Targets and Observable Templates from October PD
- Please check your Google Drive for work you completed in October
- (STAGR) Assessment Template
Conference Schedule
Schedule by Building/District
Please follow the schedule your building/district is listed under.
Session Links
Please note: Links to the virtual sessions have been shared through email to provide a secure environment. Please see the email forwarded by your administrator.
Please note: The order of the sessions will change depending on which schedule you are following.
- Welcome: Dr. Travis Smith, Deputy Superintendent, Marquette-Alger RESA
- Keynote: Dr. Garth Larson - Effective Assessments, High-Quality Learning Targets, and Observable Indicators, as related to John Hattie's Visible Learning
- Session 1: High-Quality Learning Targets & Observable Indicators
- Session 2: Effective Assessments
Conference Feedback
Thank you for taking the time to complete the post-conference feedback form. Your valuable insights and feedback are instrumental in helping us improve future events.
Therapists (OTs, PTs, SLPs)
Occupation Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists
- 12:30-2:30 - Comprehensive Medicaid Training for School-Based Therapists
- Presenter: Stephanie Abata, Marquette-Alger RESA
- 2:30-2:40 - Break
- 2:40-3:00 - Identify Future Professional Development Needs, Networking, and Resources Sharing
- Confirm your school district's plans for the day, as some districts are not participating in the MARESA-wide PD
- If your district is not participating in the MARESA-wide PD, you are still welcomed and encouraged to join us (but check with your special ed coordinator or administration)
- If you are a contracted therapist through a third party provider, please confirm your plans with your district and your supervisor
- Only those who complete the registration form above will receive a zoom link for the PD session