Financial Services

Finance, Facilities, and Information Systems

Chief Financial Officer - Anthony Bertucci

  • Phone: (906) 226-5106
  • Email:
  • Service Area Leader, Financial Planning, Legislation, and Facilities Management

Administrative Assistant - Stephanie Henry 

  • Phone: (906) 226-5110
  • Email:

Finance Staff

Business Office Manager – Chris Valima

  • Phone: (906) 226-5119
  • Email:
  • Accounting and Shared Business Services

Grants Specialist - Andrea Nummilien

  • Phone: (906) 226-5103
  • Email:
  • Local, State, and Federal Grants

Grants Specialist - Beth Krznarich

  • Phone: (906) 226-5108
  • Email:
  • State Fiscal Agent Grants

Grants Specialist - Tyler Gualdoni

  • Phone: (906) 315-6051
  • Email:
  • Talent Together Initiative

Accountant - Hailey Smith

  • Phone: (906) 226-5153
  • Email:
  • Accounting, Accounts Receivable, and Shared Business Services

Payroll and Benefits Coordinator - Kelly Fuller

  • Phone: (906) 226-5140
  • Email:
  • Payroll, Benefits, and Health Insurance for Marquette-Alger RESA

Accounts Payable - Amanda Gohl

  • Phone: (906) 226-5112
  • Email:
  • Accounts Payable and Payroll for Marquette-Alger RESA & Districts with Shared Business Services

Accounts Payable - Annie Dunn

  • Phone: (906) 226-5104
  • Email:
  • Talent Together Accounts Payable

Facility Maintenance Staff

Maintenance Leader - Rick Christensen

  • Phone: (906) 226-5164
  • Email:
  • Facility Maintenance

Senior Maintenance - Jim Gough

  • Phone: (906) 226-5122
  • Email:
  • Facility and Custodial Maintenance

Information Systems Staff

Technology Director - Trae Forgette

  • Phone: (906) 226-5128
  • Email:
  • Technology Director, Regional Educational Media Center (REMC) 21 Director, and Instructional Technology Resource Committee (ITRC)

Network and Systems Administrator - Mike Head

  • Phone: (906) 226-5123
  • Email:

Help Desk Specialist - Nick Healey

  • Phone: (906) 226-5129
  • Email:

Information Systems Specialist -Unfilled

Pupil Accounting Auditor - Jill Malin

  • Phone: (906) 226-5115
  • Email:
  • Pupil Accounting Audits & Training and State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) Coordinator


  • Fiscal Agent for the State

    • Michigan Transition Outcomes Project (MI-TOP)

    • Center for Educational Networking (CEN)

    • State Performance Plan (SPP)

  • MARESA Local, State and Federal Grants Administration

    • Cash Requests

    • Collaboration with Project Directors

    • Grant Budget Preparation

    • Flow Through Agent for State and Federal Grants

    • Maintenance of Effort Monitoring

    • Periodic Reporting to Agencies

  • Pupil Accounting

    • Collaborative Schools of Choice

    • Local Educational Agencies (LEA)

      • Field and Desk Audits

    • Spring and Fall Counts

  • Internal MARESA Functions

    • Facility Maintenance

      • Energy Management

    • Security and Emergency Planning

  • Assistance to Local School Districts

    • Act 18 Reimbursement for Special Education

    • Audits

    • Budget Strategy

    • Business Office Technical and General Assistance

    • Driver License Record Checks

    • Medicaid Outreach Administration and Payments

    • State Reports

    • Student Accounting Services

    • Shared Business Services

      • Accounts Payable / Receivables

      • Audit Assistance

      • Business Management Services

      • Financial Information Database (FID) reporting

      • General Ledger

        • 1022 Accounting Manual Implementation and Support

      • Payroll

      • State and Federal Reporting 

  • Branch of the State Department of Education

  • Mandated State and Federal Data Training and Reporting

    • Financial Information Data (FID)

    • Registry of Educational Personnel (REP)

    • Educational Entity Master (EEM)

    • School Infrastructure Database (SID)

    • Michigan Student Data System (MSDS)

    • Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL)

    • Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Days and Clock Hours (D/CH)

    • Non-Public School Personnel Report (NPSPR)

    • Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES)

    • Graduation and Dropout Review

  • Medicaid Fee for Service Training and Reporting

  • Michigan Department of Education State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH, formerly SBCEU's)

  • Assistance to Local School Districts

  • Mandated State and Federal Data Training and Reporting

    • Financial Information Data (FID)

    • Registry of Educational Personnel (REP)

    • Educational Entity Master (EEM)

    • School Infrastructure Database (SID)

    • Michigan Student Data System (MSDS)

    • Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL)

    • Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Days and Clock Hours (D/CH)

    • Non-Public School Personnel Report (NPSPR)

    • Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES)

    • Graduation and Dropout Review