Literacy Support
Welcome, we are so glad that you are here! This site was designed to offer Marquette-Alger RESA educators a place to come for resources, connections, and literacy support. We invite you to peruse what is here now and check back frequently as we continue to build and add to the compilation!
MARESA Monthly Newsletters
The MARESA Literacy Monthly is full of useful information, important updates, free resources, and always connected to the Essential Practices in Early and Elementary Literacy.
- August 2023
- September 2023
- October 2023
Literacy Resources
K-5 Literacy Resources
Literacy Essentials
Literacy Essentials are free documents designed for Michigan educators to improve childhood literacy development. The Literacy Essentials provide research-proven, effective approaches to markedly improve literacy skills among Michigan’s youngest students.
- Main Website
- Literacy Essentials Modules
- Literacy Essential Videos on Youtube
- Free Digital Resources organized by Literacy Essential
Common Core State Standards
Solid Start
Science, Oral Language, and Literacy Development from the Start of School.
What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guides
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is a leading federal source of evidence-based information about education programs, policies, and interventions that show promise for improving student outcomes. The WWC is the standard-bearer for identifying high-quality studies and reliable, evidence-based solutions.
- What Works Clearinghouse-YouTube Playlists
- Literacy
- Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision-Making
- Teaching Elementary Students to Be Effective Writers
- More practice guides
Where to find Research-Aligned Practices
- Michigan eLibrary
- Educational Leadership
- Literacy Today
- The Reading Teacher
- Reading Research Quarterly
- Journal of Content Area Rdg
- Weekly Reader
- Additional Resources
Meet Your Coaches
Hey there,
Thanks for stopping by!
My love for reading and writing and their incredible ability to transform lives lead me to this position as an Early Literacy Coach here at Marquette-Alger RESA. Emily Dickinson once said, “I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine.”
I believe in the power of literacy. I believe in the incredible teachers and leaders I am honored to work with. I believe in all the students we are blessed to serve. I believe it is our greatest duty and JOY to help them grow to their fullest potential so they can SHINE!
As a classroom teacher of almost two decades and a mother of three girls (ages 5, 8, 11), watching all my children grow as readers and writers was nothing short of magical. Yes, it comes with a lot of work, a lot of patience, and a lot of understanding of current research. However, I never lost track of the forest through the trees. The ultimate goal of literacy is to help us grow as human beings - to open doors, minds, hearts, and possibilities!
I am here to support you on your journey to help all your students succeed, to become more empathetic, and to help them discover their own voice and limitless potential. Thank you for all you do. I look forward to working together. Reach out anytime!
Chandra Ziegler
Family Engagement
Professional Learning
3rd Grade Reading Law
In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed a law that requires schools to identify learners who are struggling with reading and writing and to provide additional help. In 2023, new legislation was passed that removed the retention portion of the law. This is good news as there is an abundance of research that indicates that retention has a negative influence on student achievement. However, schools are still responsible for tracking interventions and recording progress for those students who need additional support to meet necessary benchmarks.
MDE Read by Grade 3 Resources
Individualized Reading Improvement Plans
Michigan's Individualized Reading Improvement Plans were designed to ensure students below on benchmark reading assessments were put on a plan to help them achieve benchmark status. All students who are below on benchmark reading assessments need to be given a diagnostic screener in their area of need and and IRIP created for them. The IRIP should include student goals, interventions and records of progress monitoring tools. Parents need to be given a copy of the document and At-Home Reading Plans need to be distributed. Districts can create their own IRIPs and At-Home Reading Plans. Feel free to use our IRIP as a template, make a copy, and customize for your school! Re
Read at Home Plans
Plans for K-3 students to be implemented at home.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
“Creating a classroom library of culturally responsive texts is crucial in our rapidly changing world. Knowing that rural America is becoming more diverse and the students we teach will likely move to more urban areas with significantly more diverse populations, it is imperative that we prepare them for the world they will enter. Using books that have a diversity, equity, and inclusion focus is just one powerful way to do just that. One of the ten rights within the International Literacy Association’s Children’s Rights to Read states that “Children have the right to read texts that mirror their experiences and languages, provide windows into the lives of others, and open doors into our diverse world.” These rights apply to all children, not just children with parents who understand the necessity or know where to find such books, but every child, in every classroom, every day.” The following resources are tools that will support the implementation of more culturally responsive instructional strategies and lessons along with the integration of more diverse texts.